Wednesday, June 29, 2011

a glimpse of india...

here are just a few pictures of our time in india. we had hundreds of pictures so here are some highlights:

hitesh & mannali's wedding - so fun!
our other friends tiffiany, josh, and catie were also at the wedding. tiffiany & josh live in new orleans and catie works for a non-profit organization in the middle east. it was so special to be at the wedding with our friends. oh, and did i mention we were IN the wedding? it was a surprise for us, too! we danced down the aisle with the family and sat on the stage with hitesh's closest family during the ceremony. i just talked to mannali last night and she and hitesh are loving married life and she is also loving living in chicago!

our tranlator, sureika, and her little sister uma. each day we had translators go out with us and sureika and uma went with us a couple of days and we got to know them very well!

the rickshaws - our crazy and exciting way of tranportation in mumbai.

sweet children in the slums.

and i had to include a picture of our handsome levi! my mom got pictures taken of levi while we gone and they turned out soooo cute! levi got tubes in his ears yesterday morning and he is doing just fabulous! he was super cranky for about 20 minutes after the surgery but after that he was a happy boy. we have been struggling with lots of ear infections these past few months so hopefully this will help!

Friday, June 10, 2011

To do lists....

On my daily to do list, updating our blog always gets pushed to the bottom. But here I am with 30 minutes to myself (levi is with the hub and I am about to go to get my hair trimmed and highlighted-yay) so I thought I would fill you in with our excitement that came with may!

We kicked off the month with celebrating levi's birthday with 2 birthday parties! We celebrated on his birthday at chick fil a with our bcm Students who have made Levi's first year full of fun. For those of you who don't know, I work part time with john Aaron at the bcm as the associate director. I work in the mornings and levi comes with me so there is always a sweet college student to help take care of levi while I get some work done. Our students are such a blessing to our family! We celebrated with our family who came in from Louisiana and our church friends the Saturday after his birthday with an owl theme birthday party. I had so much fun making all the brought me back to my days of teaching pre-k! We had a great week of celebrating levi!

Our next big may event was INDIA! I have been praying about this trip since the fall because we were going to be leaving levi with my mom and dad for TEN days! I knew levi would be perfectly happy with my mom and dad but I had some of that mama guilt going on....which I knew was not from god! I knew that god had a plan for us going to Indian and that he had prepared people for us to share the gospel with so I knew that I needed to trust him with everything that we have, including levi! As god always does, he took care of all my worries and fears. Levi was perfectly happy and got to have a special week with my parents.

We brought a group of 6 students with us to Mumbai, india. While we were there, we went into the slums and shared how Jesus had changed our lives and shared bibles stories with them. We went out in groups of 2 with a translator. It was so amazing to hear from the people we encountered their desire to know more about jesus when most of the people we met had never heard of Jesus. This was my first overseas mission trip and it definitely brought me out of my comfort zone and god grew and stretched me in lots of ways. I'm thankful for a husband who pushes me to be used for christ!

John Aaron turned 28 during our trip to india and we celebrated our 7 year anniversay! A super special thing we were able to do on our anniversary was to be a part of our good friend hitesh's wedding in Mumbai. We met hitesh during our senior year of college at la tech at the bcm. He came for graduate school and became a believer during his first. John Aaron got to baptize him and hitesh is still one of our closest friends today. A few of our other friends from college made the journey to india to be at the wedding, too. It was so special to meet hitesh's family and be a part of his wedding day. he and his new life will be living in Chicago.

Last, but not least, levi has officially left his baby days behind! He now walking around everywhere, taking one afternoon nap a day, using a sippy cup (no more bottle!), has eight teeth, and weighs 25 pounds! We are having so much fun with him!

I will post india pictures on my next post but check out my facebook page for all of our india pictures! Time to get my hair did :)