Wednesday, November 09, 2011


John Aaron is playing on one of our BCM intramural volleyball teams, so Levi and I went out to cheer him on at his first game! Levi walked up and down every stair, hallway, and row of seats during the game :)

Doesn't he look so tall??

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Halloween & Levi "reading"...

Thanks to Pinterest, I found this cute costume idea:

My mom made Levi a cute little bowtie and we had plans to dress him up as the english boy that Mary Poppins nannied, but, it didn't happen :) Our BCM party started at 8:00 (which is Levi's bedtime) so he didn't dress up this year, but he didn't know it was Halloween, so it's all good.

Before Levi was walking and getting into everything, he would love to have someone read to him. In the past few months, he hasn't been into reading as much because he has got too many things to explore! About a week ago he started doing this....

He will sit and "read" for about 20 minutes - which is a long time for an 18-month old! This makes the teacher inside me so proud :)